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【双语】你好!中国 | 浙江绍兴,低调的梦中江南!

2024-03-28 16:16 来源: 文旅中国

提及江南,人们总愿意走遍各种知名的水乡古镇。在同质化严重的商业化旅游景区内一走,看完便觉得古人笔下的江南不过如此。直到走进绍兴,与商业化的古镇不同,绍兴融历史于自然。无需走进所框定的“古镇景区”,当你路过一座桥,诗句书画中的青砖黛瓦 小桥流水 庭院石桥梦中故里便浮现眼前。

When people mention Jiangnan, they often think of visiting various famous water towns. After wandering through heavily commercialized tourist spots, one might feel that Jiangnan described by ancient writers is nothing more than that. However, when you step into Shaoxing, it's different from commercialized ancient towns; it merges history with nature. You don't need to enter the designated "ancient town scenic areas". As you pass by a bridge, scenes from poems and paintings, with blue bricks, gray tiles, flowing water, courtyards, and stone bridges, appear before your eyes.


If you only have one chance to visit Jiangnan in your lifetime, I would definitely recommend Shaoxing to you. It epitomizes the "true Jiangnan" depicted by literati, with its blue bricks, gray tiles, and stone arch bridges. Drifting on the clear water, there's no heavy commercial atmosphere, only scenes of bridges, flowing water, and households.


Among the few ticketed attractions in Shaoxing is the "Lanting Pavilion", famous for Wang Xizhi's masterpiece, The Lanting Xu (Preface of the Orchid Pavilion), a garden residence of the calligrapher. With lush forests and bamboo, greenery fills the eyes. Shaoxing nurtured Lu Xun, and Lu Xun's spirit influences this city. Amidst the gentle and intoxicating waters of Jiangnan, Mr. Lu Xun wielded his pen, harder than guns, his patriotism and concern for the people making this city stronger.
